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Be turned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2020-08-08Updated:2020-08-08
Similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-on
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91 Before using a conditional compilation variable, conditional compilation must be turned on.
92 However, if lobs or xml are present in the cursor and progressive stream is defaulted or set to on, MRF will be turned OFF for the fetch statement.
93 This fact enables the supply to be turned off as required by a switch.
93 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94 Social Expenditure should be turned over to the state treasury, into the local financial budget management.
95 After the war, the Republican administration of President Warren Harding attempted to privatize the facilities, proposing that they be turned over to automobile magnate, Henry Ford.
96 Oxygen could be use to breath and Hydrogen could be turned into fuel, the rocket fuel.
97 Taxes withheld on each payment By a withholding agent shall, within five days, be turned over to the State Treasury and the income tax return submitted to the tax authorities.
98 The charge pump system with an enable signal can be turned on and shut down, so that the supply power consumption is saved.
99 The minimum duration the agent can be turned on is one day.
100 This means any syntax tree can be turned back into source code, an important feature for code generators and refactoring tools.
101 By "clingy," I don't mean physically touchy-feely - although women can be turned off by such behavior.
102 The face of the worshipper must be turned towards Mecca.
103 The grid's architecture does not allow it to be turned into a data network easily.
104 In fact, fashions could be turned into spiritual catalytic promoter conducive to social development and individual perfection as long as we follow the public without losing...
105 College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses.
106 Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD,( and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.
107 There are many ways these long-chain molecules might be turned into fuel, but all of these processes are more complex than for algae .
108 The program should be turned over entirely to the states with federal financing supplied by a "no strings attached" block grant.
109 Riding horse in Conghua, shooting in Zengcheng and appreciating birds and flowers in Luogang--- All this will be turned into reality soon.
110 Some natural resources are unregenerate, or can be turned into unregenerate.
111 If they could be turned into usable crops , they could outstrip even Hevea.
112 For example: "I think the spare office should be turned into a lunch room" versus "I think it should be a lunchroom because the downstairs cafeteria is always too crowded to find a place to sit."
113 Rules and regulations, once set up, should not be turned into a dead letter.
114 Yet its poor space etiquette could be turned to advantage.
115 The elements in each appositive construction are to be nouns, pronouns and noun phrases, represent the same concept and can be turned into a definitive sentence.
116 The future naval battle will be turned to "Network Centric Warfare" from "Platform Centric Warfare", the change calls for the new requirements of Combat Command System of Naval ship's fleets.
117 Non-current assets are assets that are not turned into cash easily, are expected to be turned into cash within a year and/or have a life-span of more than a year.
118 For instance, a base metal could perhaps be turned into gold.
119 There were many reasons why the thought of a Genoese should be turned in this direction.
120 In fact, fashions could be turned into spiritual catalytic promoter conducive to social development and individual perfection as long as we follow t...
More similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-onturned outunturnedoverturnedwell-turnedleave no stone unturnedburnedreturnspurnedburned-outburned outunburnedon the turnin returnreturn tosunburnedturnerreturningtax returntake turnsday returnincome returnreturn code
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